Since 2022 YMCA Netherlands has been involved in the project MIYO (Measuring Impact of Youth Organisations). This project aims to develop a toolkit to measure the impact of youth organisations. YMCA Netherlands helps developing quantitative and qualitative tools of research and lends its expertise and experience in national and local youth work as input in this project.

In the autumn of 2023, a few pilot consultation-sessions wil take place at some of the local YMCA associations. These pilot activities consist of digital surveys and physical consultation meetings

In het najaar van 2023 zullen er in Nederlands een aantal pilot-activiteiten plaatsvinden onder de lokale YMCA/ CJV- verenigingen. Deze bestaan uit digitale vragenlijsten en fysieke groepsgesprekken.


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MIYO is an an itiative of the Bureau Européen du Scoutisme (European Scouting Region) and YMCA Europe. National scouting associations from Northern-Macedonia, Ireland, Wallonia, Czechia and Sweden are also part of this project. Academic support is given by the Faculty of applied social sciences of the University of Maynooth in Ireland. The current project is expected to be finished in February 2024.